Daniel Ochoa ’22
- MAJOR: Applied Mathematics
- COLLEGE: Columbia
- BORN: Brooklyn
Accomplishment: During the pandemic shutdown, started with others a student mental health club. Virtual meetings start with a meditation, followed by discussions about anxiety, time management, post-traumatic stress, and other teenage concerns. Based on that experience, Daniel was invited to lead similar discussions at a Brooklyn middle school.
Claim to fame: Friends called him “the therapist:” late at night when the homework was done, he was their go-to person for phone conversations about whatever was on their minds.
College and career plan: “I won’t just be a math major.” Drawn to chemistry and materials science, Daniel hopes to become a scientist. Inspired by an article he read on the use of gold nanoparticles to fight cancer, he aims to start a nanotechnology business one day.
Tech taught me: “You can do everything right yet still fail. Now that I’ve graduated, I understand that not everything is going to go according to plan. But I’m mentally prepared for what comes next.”
Influential book: Frankenstein: “The idea was that ambition can’t be everything.”
The Centennial: “The prime factorization of 2022 is 2 x 3 x 337. Clearly, one example of a real-world application.”
You can do everything right yet still fail. Now that I’ve graduated, I understand that not everything is going to go according to plan. But I’m mentally prepared for what comes next.
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