Derek I. Lowenstein

I grew up in Brooklyn and have lived in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and am presently retired from Brookhaven National Laboratory and reside in Houston, TX. I still consult at NASA and am an active judge of the American Orchid Society. My most vivid memory of Tech is the four years I spent in Mrs. Bernice Engler’s mathematics classes. Mr. Marx’s expression, in his German class, also has remained with me all this time: “Attention or detention.” Brooklyn Tech set my path forward as a scientist. Thank you, Tech.

Born: April 26, 1943. Hampton Court, England. U.S. Citizen. Married: Elaine Hartmann, two children (Jessica R. Lowenstein Leif, Peter D.) Education City College of New York B.S. 1964 (Physics); University of Pennsylvania M.S. 1965; University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. 1969 (Elementary Particle Physics)

Employment: University of Pennsylvania, Postdoctoral Fellow,1969-1970;  University of Pittsburgh, Research Associate, 1970-1973; Brookhaven National Laboratory 1973-2014: Assistant Physicist 1973-1975;  Associate Physicist 1975-1977; Physicist (Tenured) 1977-1983; Senior Physicist 1983-2014 (retired);
Head, Experimental Planning and Support Division 1977-1984; Deputy Chairman, Accelerator Department 1981-1984;  Chairman, AGS Department 1984-1999; Chairman, Collider-Accelerator
Department 1999-2010; Principal Investigator, 2003-2013, NASA Space Radiation Laboratory.

Executive Director: Center for Accelerator Science & Education, Stony Brook Univ. / BNL 2010-2013. Retired 2014. American Orchid Society: Accredited Judge 2020

Honors and Awards: Fellow, American Physical Society; Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; New York Academy of Sciences; Department of Energy Appreciation Award (2009); NASA JSC Recognition Award (2003); Xie Jialin Prize (2016), Asian Committee on Future Accelerators.

Professional Services: U.S.-Russia Joint Coordinating Committee on Fundamental Properties of Matter (1983 – 2010); U.S.-Japan Committee on High Energy Physics (1984-2004); U.S.-PRC Joint Committee on High Energy Physics (2006 -2010);  Department of Energy High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (1993-1996); Advanced Hydro Facility, External Advisory Committee (1997-1998); Hydro Facility, Beams Technical Advisory Group (LANL, LLNL) (2000-2003); STFC MICE (Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment) Review Panel, RAL, UK (2002-2018); FAIR Expert Committee Experiments, FAIR/GSI, Germany, Chairman (2012-2019); USPAS Board of Governors, 1993-2013, Chair 2006-2013; numerous Department of Energy and National Science Foundation Project and Operations Reviews.

Publications: 82 journal publications; 28 technical reports and abstracts; one American Orchid Society (AOS) Orchids article.