Centennial Fund
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PO Box 26608
Brooklyn, NY 11202-6608
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Donors Lifetime Giving
The list reflects total lifetime giving through July 31, 2023 above $5,000. Many thanks to all the contributors who have not yet reached that level but whose contributions are making a difference at Brooklyn Tech.
Isaac Heller '43*
Norman Kurt Keller '54
Leonard Riggio '58
Leandro P. Rizzuto '56*
Charles B. Wang '62*
Floyd Warkol '65
Josh S. Weston '46
John A. Catsimatidis '66
James T. Fantaci '64
Fred M. Grafton '44*
Victor Insetta '57
Achilles Perry '58
Ashok Varadhan '90
Erik Klokholm '40*
Lorraine* and Michael D. Nadler '52*
Mary Jane* and Richard H. Schnoor '49*
David Abraham '48
Martin V. Alonzo, Sr. '48*
Willard N. Archie '61
John Arfman
Anthony J. Armini '55
Lawrence A. Baker '61
Larry Birenbaum '65
Joseph M. Colucci '54
Robert F. Davey '58
John J. Eschemuller '65
Peter A. Ferentinos '55
Dean Fong '68 and Linda Lee
Penny Haitkin
Lawrence S. Harte '49
Joseph J. Jacobs '34*
Eric Kaltman '60
Joseph J. Kaminski '56
Richard M. Kulak '56*
Rande H. Lazar '69
Mathew M. Mandery '61
Michael Minikes '61
Carmine A. Morano '72
Robert C. Ochs '59
Michael George Reiff '72
Sherman Rigby '46*
Edward R. Rothenberg '61
David H. Abramson '61
Lauren and Gregg Abramson
Harold Antler '46*
Peter J. Cobos '72
Charles A. DeBenedittis '48
Susanne D. Ellis
Jacob Feinstein '60*
Howard Fluhr '59
Jeffrey M. Haitkin '62*
Herbert L. Henkel '66
Stuart Kessler '47*
Alfred Lerner '51*
Richard Mack
Stephen C. Mack
William L. Mack '57
Frederick C. Meyer '40*
Michael F. Parlamis '58*
Lee James Principe '56*
Alan M. Silberstein '65
Louis H. Siracusano, Sr. '60*
George J. Suffal '53
Thomas J. Volpe '53
Michael A. Weiss '57
Allan L. Abramson '58
Anthony Agnello '66
Martin V. Alonzo, Jr., Marlene Alonzo and Sabrina Alonzo
Joseph Angelone '63
Mark Arzoomanian '83
Anthony Bartolomeo '70
Douglas Besharov '62
Robert H. Buggeln '57
Larry Lee Cary '70*
Dorcey Chernick *
Louis C. Cosentino '61
Kenneth D. Daly '84
James DiBenedetto '71
John di Domenico '69
Leonard Edelstein '55
Irwin and Terry Fishberg
Keith Forman '76
Andras Frankl '67
Jason Haitkin
Alice C. Hartley *
Joy H. Hsiao '87
Penelope Kokkinides '87
Edward T. LaGrassa '65
Franklin F. Lee '77
Glenn Y. Louie '59
Lawrence C. Lynnworth '54*
Robert Marchisotto '47*
Betty J. Mayer *
Arnold J. Melloy '40*
Margaret Murphy '83
Murray H. Neidorf '45*
Bert Reitman '63
John B. Rofrano '61
Patrick Romano '43*
George E. Safiol '50
Harry Scheuer '48
Anthony P. Schirripa '67
William Sheluck, Jr. '58*
Richard Schwartz '53
John C. Siltanen '31*
Lawrence Sirovich '51
Ned Steele '68
Chester Wong '94
William H. Wong '64
Jeanine Aguirre-Ramirez '88
Frederick Haig Ajootian '41*
Jean M. Bahr
Emanuel Becker *
Cindy Lee Bird-Kue '86
Harry H. Birkenruth '49
Samir K. Bose *
LeRoy N. Callender '50
Wilton Cedeno '82
Samuel David Cheris '63
Calvin Chin '84
Nicholas Y.L. Chu '77
John V. Cioffi '67
Leonard B. Comberiate '69
Peter J. Coppolino '61
William A. Davis, Jr. '59
Thomas C. DeCanio '63
Elizabeth Decolvenaere '08
Alfonso D'Elia '67
Robert J. Domanoski '47*
Murray Dropkin '62
Jonathan D. Dubin '74
Jeff Erdel '63
Charles D. Federico '47
Richard R. Ferrara '59
Victor M. Finmann
Bernard R. Gifford '61
Jeffrey L. Goldberg '69
Robert J. Golden '63
Jacob Goldfield
Arnold Goldman '73
Domingo Gonzalez '72
Eugene J. Gottesman '47
George Graf '70
William H. Henry '57
K. Steven Horlitz '64
Michelle Y. Johnson-Lewis '79
Edward H. Kadushin '57
Charles Kyrie Kallas '37*
Leslie P. Kalmus '56
Steve H. Kaplan '63
Sheldon Katz '52
Nancy, Mitch, Ernie and Felix Kaye
Barbara and Richard Kessler
Elizabeth Korevaar
Eliza Kwong '93
Richard E. LaMotta '60*
Salvatore Lentini '79
Michael Levine '61
Stephen J. Lovell '57
Joel O. Lubenau '56
Frank Robert Luszcz '61
John M. Lyons '66*
James H. M, Malley '58
Sidney A. Mayer '46*
Susan J. Mayham '76*
Ellen Mazur Thomson
Patricia Vasbinder* and Victor B. Montana '60*
George W. Moran '61
John Moy '58
Shana Mummert
John R. Murphy '61
Alan S. Natter '69
Hau Yee Ng-Lo '80
Floyd R. Orr '55
Bola Oyedijo '92
Eugene Picone '76
Daniel K. Roberts '43*
Edward Roffman '68
Charles J. Rose '70
Robert Murray Rosen '51*
William J. Rouhana, Jr. '69
Edward P. Salzano '64
Roger E. Schechter '70
Alfred Schroeder '46*
Elizabeth A. Sciabarra*
Phyllis Scroggie
Irwin Ira Shapiro '47
Moshe Siegel
Roy B. Simpson '41*
Barry Sohnen '70
James Spool '46*
Jonnie* and Ralph H. Stahl '45*
Daniel Stahl
Robert J. Stalzer '59
Ronald P. Stanton '46*
Stuart Subotnick
Joseph N. Sweeney '48
Michael Tannenbaum '58
Daniel Tomai
Wesley E Truesdell '46*
Armand J. Valenzi '44*
George L. Van Amson '70
Salvatore J. Vitale, Jr. '56
Ralph B. Wagner '51
Louis Walkover '37*
Denice Clarke Ware '83
Stephen Weinryb '75
Anre Williams
Steven Wishnia '66
Douglas Yagilowich '76
Peter Yan '88
Randi Zinn
Anthony J. Abbate '59
Kenneth R. Adamo '68
Irving M. Adler '61
Ron S. Adler '68
Louis G. Adolfsen '67
Kenneth S. Albano '68
John P. Albert Esq. '90
Michael A. Antino '60
Joseph F. Azara, Jr. '64
Donald Bady '48*
Rudolph Bahr, Jr. '41*
Randell Barclay
Eric D. Barthell '75
Harvey L. Beeferman '59
Kay '80 and Jim Benjamin '80
David J. Bershad '57
Theodore Bier
Syd Blatt
Ronald Blum '67
Anthony Borra '58
Mariano Borruso '71
Thomas Breglia '76
Robert B. Bruns '55
Charles Cahn, Jr.
Dominic N. Castellano '45
Joseph A. Cavallo '58
Sylvia Cember *
Robert J. Ciemian '59
Jose R. Claxton '82
Deirdre D. Cooke '80
Brian Cosgrove
Pat C. and Joseph L. Cuzzocrea, Sr.
Kenneth D'Alessandro '66
James E. Dalton '49
Horace H. Davis '84
Fred M. del Gaudio '71
Frederick DeMatteis '40*
Lucia DeSanti
Edward Diamond '63
Ronald T Diamond
Robert C. DiChiara '63
Robert H. Digby '61
James Dimon
Vicent D'Onofrio '66
Robert W. Donohue '60*
Mary-Jean Eastman
Margery Elfin
Barry D. Epstein '58
Domenick J. Esposito '65
Samuel Estreicher '66
Murray Farash '52
Arthur A. Feder '45*
Robert Femenella '72
Al Ferrara
Clifford H. Fisher '59
J Gary G. Fox '57
Keith Franklin '78
David L Fung '81
Michelle D. Garcia '78
Norbert F. Giesse '83
Adrienne D. Gonzalez '94
Herbert A. Granath '48*
Kenyatta M. Green '89
Michael Greenstein '65*
Steven Grenell '63
Robert Gresl '46*
Arnold Gruber '59
Mario Guerrero '86
Ronald D. Haggett '54
William L. Haines
Steven A. Hallem '72
Konrad E. Hayashi '73
Carl Erik Heiberg '92
Robert J. Heilen '53
Gordon H. Hensley '47*
John Hensley
Tomas Hernandez Jr. '73
Christopher Hong '09
Clifford A. Hudsick '61
John J. Huson '52
Arlene Isaacs-Lowe '76
Frederic H. Jacobs '65
John Jarrard
Allan C. Johnson '28*
Gary Jurick
Gerard Justvig '75
Peter Kakoyiannis '65
Arthur H. Kettenbeil '67*
Carl H. Kiesewetter '55
Kiseon Ko
Peter Konieczny '62
Eugene V. Kosso '42
Robert M. Krasny '69
Bert Krauss '50
Costantino Lanza '72
Lloyd J. Lazarus '63
Daniel A. Le Donne '45
Bruce Lederman '66
Chester Lee '66
Victor Lee '66
Danny Lee-Lap '91
Joel F. Lehrer '48
Marvin J. Levine '65
Sidney Levitsky '53
Nathan Lipke '92
John Liu '98
Raymond M. Loew '58
Carol Loewenson
Thomas Lowry
Richard R. Lukaj '87
Luke Mangal '89
Taahira Maynard '99
Stephen Mazur
Londell McMillan '83
Ira Meislik '61
Steven D. Menoff '72
Michele Meyer
Edward D. Miller '56*
Joseph Montalbo '74
Francis C. Moon '57
Alfred J. Mulvey '67
Clyde Munz '74
Kaeisha T. O'Neal '99
Stanley H. Pantowich
Gurpreet S. Pasricha '86
Robert J. Paterna '72
Robert J. Pavan '47
Regina M. Pitaro
Emanuel Polichronakis '68
Lee H. Pomeroy '50*
Jeff Porrello
Valentine P. Povinelli, Jr. '59
Robert Puccio
Bertram Quelch '45*
Jonathan Riegel
Joan Riegel
David Rios
Kirk Robinson
Edward M. Rosensteel '74
Herb Ross '41
Randi Rossignol
Robert R. Rowe '45*
Lawrence G. Rubin '43
Dan M. Ruesterholz '56
Richard K. Ruff '58
Seth Ruzi '76
Erwin L. Schaub '46
Roger E. Schechter '70
Charles H Schmidt '70
Ernest R. Schultz '25*
William B. Siegel '66
Leon C. Silverman '57
Michael Simpson '90
Irwin Smiley '46*
Jonathan David Smith '80
Richard E. Sorensen '60
Mitchell E. Stashower '83
Ivan D. Steen '54
Robert C. Stewart
Robert Sumanis
Jacob Tapper
Peter M. Taras '77
Richard S. Taylor '57
John Thonet
Carlton P. Tolsdorf, Jr. '68
Mike Trovini
Richard W. Turnbull '69
Lance Turner '70
David W. Wallace '42
Laura Warren
Craig A.C. Westcarr '88
Kenneth M. White
Elizabeth M. Wieckowski '79
Samuel Wiener
Grayling G. Williams '76*
Russell P. Wong '79
William C. Wurst '67
George A. Yabroudy '48
Joni A. Yoswein
Lloyd Zeitman '69
Barry Zemel '64
Laurie Zephyrin '92
Erwin A. Zeuschner '53
Wei-Jing Zhu '86
Luther C. Abel '58
Samantha Abeysekera
Albert R. Adelmann Sr. '51
Warren Adler '45*
Thomas R. Alcamo '61
Jennifer Allen
Robyn V. Allen-McKinnon '78
Brenda Amarant
James E. Amrhein '41*
Robert J. Anders '50
Paul J. Angelides P.E. '66
Lydia Antoncic '87
Anna Antonova '07
Joel A. Aragona '62
Francine Arias '85
Vincent Aspromonte, Jr.
Andrew W. Au '66
Ralph C. Baione '77
Joseph P. Barbieri Sr. '41
Kenneth E. Batcher PhD '53
Gordon Baym '52
Noreen Begley
Robert B. Bell '57
John W. Bellando '74
Paul Bello
Robert W. Berger '88
Noah M. Berley '51
Stephen Blanchette Jr. '82
Afshan Bokhari '84
Michael Boulis
Ronald E. Brandt '65
Aubrey Braz '78
Martin S. Brooks '68
Carl E. Brown Jr. '78
Damon S. Brown '84
Robert E. Browne '66
Daniel P. Brunson '63
Zena Bryant
Monya M. Bunch Esq. '87
Katrina Burton-Nichols '95
Joseph M. Calabro '67
Victor J. Caroddo '52
Gunther O. Carrle Esq. '72
Robert Catell
Vincent Cavaseno '65
David T. Chan '77
Lena L. Chang '87
Pang-Mei N. Chang
Barton A. Chase III '72
Joel B. Chase '56
William S. Cheung
Virgil V. Chiavetta '35*
Yuon Chiu '72
Jee Cho '92
Allan Chong USA (Ret.) '72
Warren Christie '62
John W. Chromy Jr. '48
Joseph B. Ciccone '58
David A. Citrin '51
Robert W. Citron '46
Michael T. Cohen '60
Marc F. Colman MD '67
John Connolly
Anthony Cooper USN '80
Alan R. Cravitz '63
Stephen P. Cuff '49
George S. Cuhaj '77
Mark Cunha
Carol A. Cunningham '83
Kim C. D'Abreu '84
Vincent R. Damiano '55*
William J. D'Antonio P.E. '53
Steven M. Darien '59
Victor J. Dasaro DVM '72
Julia C. de la Garza MD '86
Sheldon W. Dean Jr. '53
Michael DeFazio '63
Thomas V. Deffina Esq. '59
Vincent DeLuca '63
Daniel DeMatteo
Robert F. Dendy PhD '56*
Steven L. Denker '69
Charles S. Di Marco PE, PP, CME '65
Arthur M. Dinitz '51
Philip DiVietro '72
Peter Dornau '57
Irwin Dorros '46
Jeffrey Drebin
Kenneth A. East '61
James Ellerbee '71
Paul Ellingsen '66
Robert Ennis '59
Asher Etkin '60
Richard S. Feinstein '68
Benjamin E. Feller FSA, EA '64*
Stanley M. Ferber '58
Joanne E. Fernandez '95
Eugene L. Fieldhammer '42*
Joel M. Fields '60
Linda and Joel M. Fields '60*
Mitchell Fine '68
Richard D. Firestone '64
Alan Flash '71
Joseph L. Flood '44*
Zachary C. Fluhr '59
William B. Follit Jr. '62
R. Richard Fontaine
Bradley B. Fordham '63
Henry H. Frank '45*
Frederick A. Frenzel Jr. '71
Bernard Friedland '48
Jerry M. Friedman '67
Vanessa Fulston-Thomas '78
Adam Stoller '80* and Sharon Galli
William J. Gallo AIA '64
Albina and Nicholas S. Gaudino '67*
Michelle Gay '87
Marvin C. Gersten '56
Allan R. Ginsberg '58
Paul Gitto '36*
Thomas M. Giusto '70
Steven J. Glasser '70
John Glidewell '63
Ed Goldman '57
Curtis K. Goss '62
Elias Greenbaum '62
Kenneth D. Greene '58
Louis D. Greenzweig '64
Lawrence Gulotta '68
Warren L. Gutheil '61*
David S. Hacker PhD '43
Glennis R. M. Hall MD '78
Roslyn T. Hall
John F. Harte '57
Mark Hauerstock '65
Donald W. Hegeman '62
Norman D. Henderson '54
Steven B. Heymsfield MD '62
Gerard Hirschhorn '46
Ingeborg* and Gerard Hirschhorn '60*
Michael Hoffman DMD '66
Isaac B. Honor '74
Herbert A. Hutchinson '49
Robert M. Ianniello PhD '72
Gilbert S. Jackson '58
Henry Jackson
Arnold V. Jaffe '47
Neene Jenkins '96
Axel R. Johnson '44
John F. Johnson '59
Michael L. Johnson '66
William P. Johnson Jr. '55
Althea Johnson-Evans '78
Bradford R. Jones '75
France-Marie Jordan '93
J. Alan Kahn
Sigmund J. Karczewski '57
Richard J. Katucki '47
Paul W. Katzer '87
Janice Keller-McDowall '85
Tanya R. Kennedy '85
Gordon Kessler
Fred K. Kies '59
John Klvac '60
Alan R. Koch '66
Steven M. Koestenblatt '60
Andrew Kohl '63
Joseph J. Kohn PhD '50
Peter J. Kolesar PhD '54
Bonnie Kong '08
Richard T. Konig '77
Sandor J. Kovacs PhD-MD '65
Alan W. Kramer P.E. '66
Naomi Kramer
William K. Kramer '48
Eugene Kremer '55
Noel N. Kriftcher*
Kuan Koon Kua '91
Robert E. Kupiec '72
Thomas M. La Guidice '71
Richard P. Lampeter '69
Jeffrey Lane
Donald Lanier '55*
Richard A. Laskowski '66
Harry A. Laster '66
Gordon C. Lattey
David K. Lee
Susan Lehmann
Cheryl-Ann Leslie '85
Gerald A. Lessells '44
Ilan M. Levi PhD '61
Oscar A. Levi '44
Jonathan V. Levin '44
Stephen A. Levine '59*
Joel S. Levy '59
Gordon A. Lewandowski '61
Ta M. Li '65
Concetta Licitra
Robert B. Liebowitz '84
Marvin Lifson '53
Mark V. Lindstrom '73
Jan-Kristof Louis
Derek I. Lowenstein PhD '60
Ronald A. Luzim Esq. '65
Brian S. Lyght '83
Frank J. Lynch '62
Michael J. Macaluso AIA, FARA '66
James MacDonall '63
Joseph Macnow '62
Gordon Mak '93
Robert W. Mann '42*
Peter Z. Mantarakis '66
Stanley D. Margolin '49*
Richard F. Marsh '48
Raymond C. Martinez '67
Eric M. May '61
Lela Mayers
Tatia R. Mays-Russell '84
Marc B. Mazur '77
Owen D. McBride '55
Donald C. McCann '57
James J. McCarthy '83
Donald P. McConnell '67
Gary J. McDonagh '73
Marvin L. Meistrich PhD '58
George Mejias '77
Claudine Meredith-Goujon
Joseph J. Merenda Jr. '61
Edward M. Messina '52
Jean G. Miele AIA '55
Zdzislaw Mikolajczyk '57
Sidney L. Milden '77
Howard L. Millman '77
Louis Milo
Sharon Minott '84
Eugene Miritello '42
Thomas J. Mitchell '57
Kevin G. Montgomery '71
Joseph D. Monticciolo FAIA '55
Dennis J. Moran '59
Benjamin Moreira USA (Ret.) '69
Godwyn Laura Morris
Leonard P. Morse '65
Norman Moskowitz '46*
Saul Muchnick '49*
Jon Mulford '54
Kathleen Nadelman
Emily G. Nammacher
Leon Nash '91
Hans R. Naumann P.E. '54
Charles P. Naut '08
Kenneth A. Ness '59
King C. Ng '78
Nils O. Nilsen '69
Kenneth Nisbet MD '66
Walter G. Nollmann '73
Kai Nygaard '62
Diiana Oliver-Steinberg
Irene Olson
Ronald Olson '58
Carl W. Ordemann AIA '69
Fred Parise '70
Andrew P. Parton '75
Matthew A. Paskin USAF '90
Ernest E. Pearson Jr. '40
Joseph Pellegrino '67
Arno A. Penzias PhD '51
Stuart K. Pertz '53*
Patricia Pesenti
Albert Picallo
Kenneth R. Pierce USA(Ret.) '64
Enold Pierre-Louis '78
Joseph F. Plummer '56
Peter H. Plush '58
Gerald E. Polizzi '56
Gerald A. Pollack '47
John H. Powers '60
Roxane M. Previty
Russell M. Price PhD '73
Steven Protass '63
Robert Raifman '58
James T. Reilly '76
Lawrence Reinert '82
Calvin H. Reing '51
Joseph Riggio '57
Robert C. Riley '98
Tracy Ringel
Julie Riordan
Louis K. Robbins '30*
Al Roffman '44*
Edward Rogas Jr. '58
Lori Roland-Plonski
Juan B. Roman Esq. '76
David A. Rosenzweig '63
Gerald F. Ross '49
Gabe Rothauser '66
Lowell M. Rubin '53
Robert Rung P.E. '56
Robin J. Russo '58
Jeffrey B. Sameroff '64
Sholom Sanders '68
Francis J. Sanzillo '70*
Saunder Schaevitz '47
Justin O. Schechter MD '73
Ronald H. Schmahl '60
Andrea Schmitz
Robert U. Schoenfelder '44
Pricilla Schube
Stuart Schube '58
Joel Seidner '65
Peter Senftleben '72
Jack B. Shaifer '58
Sheng Sheen '93
William E. Shubert MAI '65
Stephen L. Shupack '65
Michael Siciliani
Joyce Siegel
Alvin M. Silver '49*
Mark E. Simmons '80
Chet Singer '63
Sunil G. Singh '89
Charles J. Sisti P.E. '49*
Jack Skiba '65
L. Remsen Skidmore Jr. '37
Azaletch T. E. Skinner '90
Walter Skuggevig '60*
Majorie Smith
J. L. Snoke '43
Roger S. So '69
Chester P. Soling '49*
Joel M. Spiro '55
Donald J. Stahl '58
Bernard J. Stein '56
Jeffrey A. Stein '63
Mark C. Stern P.E. '61
Adam Stoller '80
Richard Sugarman '57
Stephen Sutter '63
Lynne Tarnopol
Donna Taurman
Wayne L. Taylor '64
Sherrel Taylor-Domville '80
Robert Thies MD '68
Latania L. Thomas '90
Alice M. Timothy
John P. Tobin*
Mark D. Todd
Judy Tran
Nicholas P. Trentacoste PhD '60
Jakob Trollback
Robert H. Tuffias '53
Kristen Tyszkowski
Rein Uibopuu '65
Frank S. Vigilante '48*
Leslie D. Wade '87
Jacob Walthour
Tina Washington Bristol '83
Edward J. Wehle '90
Kenneth B. Wiberg '45
Donovan Wickline '88
Andrea Wigfall '80
Lancelot Williams '79
Kenneth Wong '80
Ena Wu '82
David L. Yang '84
David X. Yu '99
John T. Yung '97
Lee Zlotoff '70
Adam J. Cirillo Scholarship Foundation
Air Products
Alfa Piping Corp
Alliance Bernstein
American Express Foundation
Avatar Management
B T Alex Brown
BDO Seidman, LLP
BNY Mellon
Bonanza Productions Inc
Brooklyn Nets
BTHS Alumni Long Island Chapter
BTHS Parent Association, Inc
C. R. Bard Foundation
Cary Kane LLP
Cellini Fine Jewelry
Ceramax Co., LTD
Charles B. Wang Associates, Inc.
Charles B. Wang International Foundation
Chase Manhattan Bank
Chicago Bridge & Iron Company
Cirocco & Ozzimo, Inc
Computer Associates International, Inc
Con Edison
Construction Resources Corp of New York
Council for Specialized Public HS
Cowles Media Foundation
Credit Suisse Securities
Daikin Applied
Deutsche Bank
Dick's Sporting Good Foundation
Duggal Color Projects, Inc
Eastern Metalworks of NY, Inc
El Paso Energy Foundation
Fong & Lee Foundation
GameStop Corporation
Gateway Institute for Pre-College Education
Gatorade Company
GIBC Digital
GiveSmart US, Inc
Goldman Sachs & Co, Matching Gift Program
Goldman Sachs Gives Annual Giving Fund
Haights Cross Operating Company
Heritage Mechanical Services, Inc
Hines Interests LP - East Region
Ice Air, LLC
Ingersoll Rand
InnoCare Services Company LLC
ITW Foundation
Jaros Baum & Bolles
John and Margo Catsimatidis Foundation
John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Joseph Weiss & Frances R. Weiss RFT
JPB Foundation
KSW Mechanical, LLC
Laura Berdon Foundation
Lauren and Gregg Abramson Family Foundation
Liberty Science Center
Lucent Technologies
M & I Electric Industries, Inc
Mancini Duffy
Marathon Bank
Math for America
May & Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc
MBS Textbook Exchange
Merrill Lynch & Co Found
Metromedia Company
Milk Dee Music, Inc.
Miller Proctor Nickolas Inc.
National Basketball Association
National Grid USA NYC
National Hockey League Foundation
National Society of Black Engineers
New York City Urban Debate League
New York State Stem Grant
P.J. Mechanical Corp
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
Pennoni Associates, Inc
Pension Review
Piper Sandler
Polytechnic University
PSEG Long Island LLC
Raytheon Company
Reed Business Information
Related Construction Holdings, LLC
Ridgewood Foundation
Ridgewood Savings Bank
Robinson Silverman Pearce Aronsohn & Berman LLP
Salesforce Foundation
Siemens Industry, Inc
Signature Construction Group, Inc
Simatelex Manufacturing Co
Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Sonenshine & Pastor Co
Sonics & Materials, Inc.
Sorrentino Development Corp
SPX Cooling Technologies
SRS Enterprises, Inc
St. Francis College
St. Francis Food Pantries & Shelters
St. John's University
Starlite Printers
Sterling Project Development Group
Structure Tone, Inc
SUNY Farmingdale
Syska Hennessy Group
T.E.C. Systems, Inc
TAG Associates LLC
TD Ameritrade Clearing
TD Bank, NA
Telefield Limited
Textron Charitable Trust
The Bank of New York
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Dick's Sporting Good Foundation
The Dow Chemical Company Foundation
The Durst Organization
The Hallen Construction Co., Inc
The Hyde Agency
The Ideal Supply Co.
The Jay Chiat Foundation, Inc
The Kahn Family Charitable Foundation
The Lotos Foundation
The Malnati Trust
The Marketplace Realty
The McGraw-Hill Companies
The Neidorf Family Trust Fund
The Otolaryngology Foundation
The Reginald F. Lewis Fdn. Inc
The Riggio Foundation
The Scout Company, Inc
The Segal Company
Thornton Tomasetti Inc.
Time Warner
Tong Fong Brush Factory
Triple S. Air Systems, Inc
Truist Comprehensive
Turner Construction Co.
Uchiya Thermostat Co., LTD
ULC Technologies
United Defense FMC Foundation
United Refining Company
United Way of Central & Northeastern Connecticut
United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley, Inc
United Way Worldwide
Vanguard Construction
Verizon Foundation, Inc.
Waldner's Business Environments Inc
Walentas Foundation
Wasserman Foundation
Wells Fargo
Whitestone Capital, LLC
Wigdor LLP
William and Phyllis Mack Foundation
Wolters Kluwer Law and Business/Aspen Publishers
WSP Foundation, Inc
Yoswein NY
Yumark Thailand
Zetlin & De Chiara LLP
Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology Group, LLP