Nine Milo Kessler ’21 Math Major Fellows Selected for Summer 2023
The Alumni Foundation is pleased to announce nine extraordinary recipients of summer 2023 fellowships from the Milo Kessler ’21 Math Major Fellows Fund. On June 20, 2023, Milo’s parents, Alana Fishberg and Daryl Kessler, met with the nine selected rising seniors in the Applied Mathematics major to hear about the wonderful opportunities the fellowships have opened up for them this summer. Thanks to the generosity of donors to the Fund, the students will engage in programs that foster their love, and others' love, of math. The gathering was organized by Dr. Tom Blozy, a Math major teacher who taught, mentored, and coached Milo.
Fourteen Brooklyn Tech Mathematics majors — five in 2022, nine in 2023 — have now been named Milo Kessler ’21 Math Major Fellows.
"The Brooklyn Tech Alumni Foundation is honored to help facilitate these opportunities to rising seniors in the Applied Mathematics major,” said Courtney J. Ulrich ’90, executive director of the Alumni Foundation. “Through the Milo Kessler ’21 Math Major Fellows Fund, we keep Milo’s memory and love for math alive by providing transformational opportunities to today’s Technites."

Meet the 9 New Milo Kessler ’21 Math Major Fellows for 2023
Sadie Allspaw ’24 - Sadie will be studying complex math for six weeks/eight hours per day at Hampshire College Summer Studies in Math (HCSSiM). Her studies will include Number Theory, Graph Theory, and Combinatorics. Topics will also include Knot Theory and Projective Geometry.
Md Almasrafi ’24 - Md will be researching One Dimension Particle Physics at Queens College, City University of New York, with Professor Azriel Genack. Md has already started working on optics and electromagnetism and using this knowledge to assist in the lab and catalog information. His optical research will include working with disordered systems of particles under the theory of statistics where repeated randomness eventually leads to generality.
David Armogan ’24 - David will be involved in multiple math programs this summer. He will continue his work on his website, Millennium Investments, which teaches important financial concepts to young investors. David will also participate in Teach Me Wall Street, where he will learn about trading, investing, and cryptocurrencies.
Samuel Byars ’24 - Sam will be working with AI-Learners, a Math tech company started by former Brooklyn Tech Mathematics major Adele Smolensky that is designed to make math more accessible to elementary school students through personalized computer games and analytics.
Yihan He ’24 - Yihan is creating a YouTube channel to design math videos using animation and graphics to help explain complex math like Graph Theory, Number Theory, and other sophisticated math concepts.
Luke Opalack ’24 - Luke will also be working with AI-Learners, hoping to spread love for math.
Charlie O’Sullivan ’24 - Charlie will also be working with AI-Learners, focusing on helping children with disabilities learn math through AI games.
Lucas Papamitsakis ’24 - Lucas will be building his own Deep Learning and Mathematical Models to predict Multiple Sclerosis (MS) development based on MS patients' data and MRI scans. He will work with a Convolutional Neural Network, which will help him gain experience in Gradient Descent and Multivariable Calculus, as they are vital to maximize accuracy. Linear Algebra and Statistics will play a large role in feeding data into the model.
Sabina Wolfe ’24 - Sabina is involved in the Lang Science Program, which is a partnership with the American Museum of National History. As a part of this program, Sabina will take classes instructed by scientists and work with mentors on research projects that are presented at an end-of-year symposium. In particular, this summer, Sabina will participate in a field research intensive in mathematics, spending 30 hours/week at the Museum. Sabina will also be involved with the FRESH (Fordham Regional Environmental Sensor for Healthy Air) Air Project, a citizen science initiative started by Fordham professor Stephen Holler, which focuses on the disproportionate asthma and respiratory disease rates of children in lower income public schools in all five boroughs. Results will be monitored by Sabina and she will develop curricula around the collected data.
The Milo Kessler ’21 Math Major Fellows Fund
Math played such a central role in Milo's life and shaped how he saw the world. He was a proud member of the Applied Mathematics major at Brooklyn Tech. The money donated in Milo's name will carry on his love for math while honoring his unique spirit, generosity, humor, and kindness.
How the fund works: Interested juniors in the Mathematics major submit applications seeking fellowships that will allow or encourage them to undertake math-focused projects, education, internships, initiatives, and/or outreach during the summer between their junior and senior years at Brooklyn Tech. The Milo Kessler ’21 Math Major Fellows each receive up to $3,000 to pursue their summer math endeavors. What makes the Milo Kessler ’21 Math Major Fellows Fund so unusual and impactful is that the money is awarded to high school students doing math-focused work while still in high school. In this way, the seeds of a love of math are planted in Milo's honor.
To see photos and information from the Milo Kessler ’21 Math Major Fellows Fund inaugural event on January 4, 2023, please click here.
In January 2024, an event at Tech will recognize the work completed by this summer's Milo Kessler ’21 Math Major Fellows and introduce the Fund to Class of 2025 Mathematics majors.
Through the Milo Kessler ’21 Math Major Fellows Fund, we keep Milo’s memory and love for math alive by providing transformational opportunities to today’s Technites."
Courtney J. Ulrich ’90
Executive Director of the Brooklyn Tech Alumni Foundation
Milo Kessler '21 Math major fellows Fund
Please consider making a gift to the Milo Kessler '21 Math Major Fellows Fund.
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