Seven Degrees of Education
Soldier and Business Executive
Load the paper tray before printing David’s resume: this West Point graduate has seven higher education degrees, serves as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserves, and is a global pharmaceutical company executive.
After nine years of active military service including a combat tour in Iraq, David entered the Reserves where he is now a battalion commander responsible for 700 Reservists. His civilian job: overseeing Covid-related programs and supporting other business-critical initiatives for a Covid vaccine manufacturer.
For the record, those degrees: BS (West Point), MSIR (Troy U.), MBA (Boston College), MPH (U. of North Carolina - Chapel Hill), EdD (U. of Southern California), MMS (Air University) and EMHA, (Cornell U., Fall 2022).
Next up, number eight: a planned PhD in evidence‑based healthcare at Oxford. David’s dissertation will examine how healthcare leaders and government can effectively communicate the importance of vaccines.
Why all this education, David?: “To seek an elevated level of understanding of the intricacies of this world, while aiming to self actualize and help millions of others find their best selves.”
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