Steven Rohrmayr
I was born in the Bronx, but grew up on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn. I was in the Electronics course but flunked the first semester. Therefore I spent one extra semester to pass Electronics and graduated in January of 1962.
After Tech, I joined the Navy in August of 1962 and after boot camp at Great Lakes I was admitted to the Navy’s Electronic Technician A school. A school was a breeze after my education at BTHS. Upon graduation, I was stationed at the Communications Station Pearl Harbor.
Turns out I was not physically at Pearl Harbor but at the Navy’s receiver site near a small town called Wahiawa. Four other sailors and I soon rented an OLD house on the north shore of O`ahu where I learned to surf. I was pretty much only on base when I HAD to be there. My next-door neighbors, local Hawaiians, took me hunting one day and I was hooked. I hunted wild boar for over 20 years using dogs to track the hogs and a long-bladed knife to kill them.
After a year and a half, I was transferred to the Navy’s transmitter site on the west coast of O`ahu. There I continued to surf and hunt when not taking care of the Navy’s equipment.
I remained there for another 1 1/2 years and decided to stay in PARADISE upon my discharge in September of 1963. Lucky me, I was not sent to Vietnam. After the Navy, I worked on electronics at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard while still living on the West Side.
There I met a school teacher from upstate New York and within six months of my discharge we were married and still are after 55 years. We still live on the West Side. We had two daughters who wound up moving back to the mainland. I’ve now been retired for 18 years after working for 30 years as a Social Studies teacher at Wai`anae High School.
Wai`anae High School is the ONLY high school in the United States built right on the beach. It’s no Tech, but it’s full of good kids. Here is their website.
I attended the University of Hawai`i for my teaching degree. I found my math was not good enough to try for electrical engineering. LOL. I no longer hunt but do hike at least once a week usually for at least five or six hours each time.