TechTimes Fall 2022
The Next 100 Years
In This Issue
Cover Story
Cyber-security, big data and beyond: It's all part of today's curriculum.
TECHTIMES FALL 2022: The Next 100 Years
What's next? Prominent alumni offer a vision for the future of STEM education. Inside the school, educators tell us how Brooklyn Tech's doing - and where it's going.
To 2022 Graduate Stephan McGlashan, “We are no different than the hundred classes that came before us and the hundred that will come after.” We know exactly what you mean, Stephan: that shared legacy and expectation of excellence. But also… there was something special about the Centennial Class. “It is a reminder that we are the next generation of greatness,” said senior class president Michelle Li.
All 1,477 of them, in their own individual way, were special. Here, meet ten.
One thousand to fifteen hundred grads a year, 23 graduating classes since 2000: that’s 30,000-ish more Brooklyn Tech alumni since the millennium’s dawn. Here are ten of Tech’s many rising stars of the new millennium.
Read how their Tech education set them on their paths.
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Donate to Tech and make an immediate impact on our students’ lives. These unrestricted funds will help Tech continue to pursue and achieve academic excellence for the next 100 years.
Donors Lifetime Giving
The list reflects total lifetime giving through August 15, 2022 above $5,000. Many thanks to all the contributors who have not yet reached that level but whose contributions are making a difference at Brooklyn Tech.
Isaac Heller ’43*
Norman Kurt Keller ’54
Leonard Riggio ’58
Leandro P. Rizzuto ’56*
Charles B. Wang ’62*
Floyd Warkol ’65
Josh S. Weston ’46
John A. Catsimatidis ’66
James T. Fantaci ’64
Fred M. Grafton ’44*
Victor Insetta ’57
Achilles Perry ’58
Ashok Varadhan ’90
Erik Klokholm ’40*
Mary Jane* and Richard H. Schnoor ’49*
David H. Abramson ’61
Gregg Abramson
Harold Antler ’46*
Peter J. Cobos ’72
Charles A. DeBenedittis ’48
Susanne D. Ellis
Jacob Feinstein ’60*
Howard Fluhr ’59
Jeffrey M. Haitkin ’62*
Herbert L. Henkel ’66
Stuart Kessler ’47*
Alfred Lerner ’51*
Richard Mack
Stephen C. Mack
Frederick C. Meyer ’40*
Michael F. Parlamis ’58*
Lee James Principe ’56*
Louis H. Siracusano, Sr. ’60*
George J. Suffal ’53
Thomas J. Volpe ’53
Michael A. Weiss ’57
David Abraham ’48
Martin V. Alonzo, Sr. ’48*
Willard N. Archie ’61
John Arfman
Anthony J. Armini ’55
Lawrence A. Baker ’61
Larry Birenbaum ’65
Joseph M. Colucci ’54
Robert F. Davey ’58
Peter A. Ferentinos ’55
Penny Haitkin
Lawrence S. Harte ’49
Joseph J. Jacobs ’34*
Eric Kaltman ’60
Joseph J. Kaminski ’56
Richard M. Kulak ’56*
Rande H. Lazar ’69
William L. Mack ’57
Michael Minikes ’61
Carmine A. Morano ’72
Robert C. Ochs ’59
Sherman Rigby ’46*
Edward R. Rothenberg ’61
Alan M. Silberstein ’65
Martin V. Alonzo, Jr., Marlene Alonzo and Sabrina Alonzo
Joseph Angelone ’63
Anthony Bartolomeo ’70
Douglas Besharov ’62
Robert H. Buggeln ’57
Larry Lee Cary ’70*
Dorcey Chernick *
Louis C. Cosentino ’61
Kenneth D. Daly ’84
James DiBenedetto ’71
John di Domenico ’69
Leonard Edelstein ’55
John J. Eschemuller ’65
Keith Forman ’76
Andras Frankl ’67
Jason Haitkin
Alice C. Hartley *
Penelope Kokkinides ’87
Franklin F. Lee ’77
Glenn Y. Louie ’59
Lawrence C. Lynnworth ’54*
Mathew M. Mandery ’61
Robert Marchisotto ’47*
Betty J. Mayer *
Arnold J. Melloy ’40*
Margaret Murphy ’83
Murray H. Neidorf ’45*
Bert Reitman ’63
John B. Rofrano ’61
Patrick Romano ’43*
George E. Safiol ’50
Harry Scheuer ’48
Anthony P. Schirripa ’67
William Sheluck, Jr. ’58*
Richard Schwartz ’53
John C. Siltanen ’31*
Lawrence Sirovich ’51
Ned Steele ’68
Chester Wong ’94
William H. Wong ’64
Wellington Yee ’67
Jeanine Aguirre-Ramirez ’88
Frederick Haig Ajootian ’41*
Mark Arzoomanian ’83
Jean M. Bahr
Emanuel Becker *
Cindy Lee Bird-Kue ’86
Harry H. Birkenruth ’49
Samir K. Bose *
LeRoy N. Callender ’50
Wilton Cedeno ’82
Calvin Chin ’84
Nicholas Y.L. Chu ’77
John V. Cioffi ’67
Peter J. Coppolino ’61
William A. Davis, Jr. ’59
Thomas C. DeCanio ’63
Elizabeth Decolvenaere ’08
Alfonso D’Elia ’67
Robert J. Domanoski ’47*
Murray Dropkin ’62
Jonathan D. Dubin ’74
Jeff Erdel ’63
Charles D. Federico ’47
Richard R. Ferrara ’59
Victor M. Finmann
Bernard R. Gifford ’61
Jeffrey L. Goldberg ’69
Robert J. Golden ’63
Jacob Goldfield
Domingo Gonzalez ’72
Eugene J. Gottesman ’47
George Graf ’70
William H. Henry ’57
K. Steven Horlitz ’64
Joy H. Hsiao ’87
Michelle Y. Johnson-Lewis ’79
Edward H. Kadushin ’57
Charles Kyrie Kallas ’37*
Leslie P. Kalmus ’56
Steve H. Kaplan ’63
Sheldon Katz ’52
Elizabeth Korevaar
Eliza Kwong ’93
Edward T. LaGrassa ’65
Richard E. LaMotta ’60*
Salvatore Lentini ’79
Michael Levine ’61
Stephen J. Lovell ’57
John M. Lyons ’66*
James H M Malley ’58
Sidney A. Mayer ’46*
Susan J Mayham ’76*
Ellen Mazur Thomson
Patricia Vasbinder* and Victor B. Montana ’60*
George W. Moran ’61
John Moy ’58
Shana Mummert
John R. Murphy ’61
Michael D. Nadler ’52
Alan S. Natter ’69
Hau Yee Ng-Lo ’80
Floyd R. Orr ’55
Bola Oyedijo ’92
Eugene Picone ’76
Michael George Reiff ’72
Daniel K. Roberts ’43
Edward Roffman ’68
Charles J. Rose ’70
Robert Murray Rosen ’51*
William J. Rouhana, Jr. ’69
Edward P. Salzano ’64
Roger E. Schechter ’70
Alfred Schroeder ’46
Phyllis Scroggie
Irwin Ira Shapiro ’47
Moshe Siegel
Roy B. Simpson ’41
Barry Sohnen ’70
James Spool ’46*
Jonnie* and Ralph H. Stahl ’45*
Daniel Stahl
Robert J. Stalzer ’59
Ronald P. Stanton ’46*
Stuart Subotnick
Joseph N. Sweeney ’48
Michael Tannenbaum ’58
Daniel Tomai
Wesley E Truesdell ’46*
Armand J. Valenzi ’44
George L. Van Amson ’70
Salvatore J. Vitale, Jr. ’56
Ralph B. Wagner ’51
Louis Walkover ’37*
Denice Clarke Ware ’83
Stephen Weinryb ’75
Anre Williams
Steven Wishnia ’66
Douglas Yagilowich ’76
Peter Yan ’88
Randi Zinn
Kenneth R. Adamo ’68
Irving Adler ’61
Ron S. Adler ’68
Louis G. Adolfsen
Kenneth S. Albano ’68
Michael A. Antino ’60
Joseph F. Azara, Jr. ’64
Donald Bady ’48
Rudolph Bahr, Jr. ’41*
Randell Barclay
Eric D. Barthell ’75
Kay and Jim Benjamin ’80
David J. Bershad ’57
Theodore Bier
Syd Blatt
Ronald Blum ’67
Anthony Borra ’58
Mariano Borruso ’71
Thomas Breglia ’76
Robert B. Bruns ’55
Charles Cahn, Jr.
Dominic N. Castellano ’45
Joseph A. Cavallo ’58
Sylvia Cember *
Samuel David Cheris ’63
Robert J. Ciemian ’59
Jose R. Claxton ’82
Leonard B. Comberiate ’69
Deirdre D. Cooke ’80
Brian Cosgrove
Pat and Joseph L. Cuzzocrea, Sr.
Kenneth D’Alessandro ’66
James E. Dalton ’49
Fred M. del Gaudio ’71
Frederick DeMatteis ’40*
Lucia DeSanti
Edward Diamond ’63
Ronald T Diamond
Robert C. DiChiara ’63
Robert H. Digby ’61
James Dimon
Robert W. Donohue ’60*
Mary-Jean Eastman
Margery Elfin
Barry D. Epstein ’58
Domenick J. Esposito ’65
Samuel Estreicher ’66
Murray Farash ’52
Arthur A. Feder ’45
Robert Femenella ’72
Al Ferrara
Terry Fishberg
Clifford H. Fisher ’59
Keith Franklin ’78
David L Fung ’81
Arnold Goldman ’73
Adrienne D. Gonzalez ’94
Herbert A. Granath ’48*
Kenyatta M. Green ’89
Michael Greenstein ’65*
Robert Gresl ’46*
Arnold Gruber ’59
Mario Guerrero ’86
Ronald D. Haggett ’54
William L. Haines
Steven A. Hallem ’72
Konrad E. Hayashi ’73
Carl Erik Heiberg ’92
Robert J. Heilen ’53
Gordon H. Hensley ’47*
John Hensley
Christopher Hong ’09
Clifford A. Hudsick ’61
Frederic H. Jacobs ’65
John Jarrard
Allan C. Johnson ’28*
Gerard Justvig ’75
Peter Kakoyiannis ’65
Nancy, Mitch, Ernie and Felix Kaye
Arthur H. Kettenbeil ’67*
Carl H. Kiesewetter ’55
Kiseon Ko
Eugene V. Kosso ’42
Bert Krauss ’50
Costantino Lanza ’72
Chester Lee ’66
Victor Lee ’66
Danny Lee-Lap ’91
Joel F. Lehrer ’48
Marvin J. Levine ’65
Sidney Levitsky ’53
Nathan Lipke ’92
John Liu ’98
Raymond M. Loew ’58
Carol Loewenson
Thomas Lowry ’
Joel O. Lubenau ’56
Richard R. Lukaj ’87
Frank Robert Luszcz ’61
Taahira Maynard ’99
Stephen Mazur
Ira Meislik ’61
Steven D. Menoff ’72
Michele Meyer
Edward D. Miller ’56*
Joseph Montalbo ’74
Francis C. Moon ’57
Alfred J. Mulvey ’67
Clyde Munz ’74
Kaeisha T. O’Neal ’99
Stanley H. Pantowich
Robert J. Paterna ’72
Robert J. Pavan ’47
Regina M. Pitaro
Emanuel Polichronakis ’68
Lee H. Pomeroy ’50*
Jeff Porrello
Valentine P. Povinelli, Jr. ’59
Robert Puccio
Bertram Quelch ’45*
Jonathan Riegel
Joan Riegel
David Rios
Edward M. Rosensteel ’74
Herb Ross ’41
Randi Rossignol
Robert R. Rowe ’45*
Lawrence G. Rubin ’43
Dan M. Ruesterholz ’56
Richard K. Ruff ’58
Seth Ruzi ’76
Erwin L. Schaub ’46
Roger E. Schechter ’70
Charles H Schmidt ’70
Ernest R. Schultz ’25*
William B. Siegel ’66
Air Products
Alfa Piping Corp
American Express Foundation
B T Alex Brown
BDO Seidman, LLP
BNY Mellon
Bonanza Productions Inc
Brooklyn Nets
Brooklyn Tech High School
BTHS Alumni Long Island Chapter
BTHS Parent Association, Inc
C. R. Bard Foundation
Cary Kane LLP
Cellini Fine Jewelry
Ceramax Co., LTD
Charles B. Wang Associates, Inc.
Charles B. Wang International Foundation
Chase Manhattan Bank
Chicago Bridge & Iron Company
Cirocco & Ozzimo, Inc
Computer Associates International, Inc
Con Edison
Construction Resources Corp of New York
Council for Specialized Public HS
Cowles Media Foundation
Credit Suisse Securities
Daikin Applied
Deutsche Bank
Duggal Color Projects, Inc
Eastern Metalworks of NY, Inc
El Paso Energy Foundation
GameStop Corporation
Gateway Institute for Pre-College Education
Gatorade Company
GIBC Digital
GiveSmart US, Inc
Goldman Sachs & Co, Matching Gift Program
Goldman Sachs Gives Annual Giving Fund
Haights Cross Operating Company
Heritage Mechanical Services, Inc
Hines Interests LP - East Region
Ice Air, LLC
Ingersoll Rand
InnoCare Services Company LLC
ITW Foundation
Jaros Baum & Bolles
John Wiley & Sons, Inc
JPB Foundation
KSW Mechanical, LLC
Laura Berdon Foundation
Liberty Science Center
Lucent Technologies
M & I Electric Industries, Inc
Mancini Duffy
Marathon Bank
Math for America
May & Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc
MBS Textbook Exchange
Merrill Lynch & Co Found
Metromedia Company
Miller Proctor Nickolas Inc.
National Basketball Association
National Grid USA NYC
National Hockey League Foundation
National Society of Black Engineers
New York City Urban Debate League
New York State Stem Grant
P.J. Mechanical Corp
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
Pennoni Associates, Inc
Pension Review
Piper Sandler
Polytechnic University
Raytheon Company
Related Construction Holdings, LLC
Ridgewood Foundation
Ridgewood Savings Bank
Robinson Silverman Pearce Aronsohn & Berman LLP
Simatelex Manufacturing Co
Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Sonics & Materials, Inc.
SPX Cooling Technologies
SRS Enterprises, Inc
Starlite Printers
Sterling Project Development Group
Structure Tone, Inc
T.E.C. Systems, Inc
TAG Associates LLC
TD Bank, NA
Textron Charitable Trust
The Dow Chemical Company Foundation
The Durst Organization
The Hyde Agency
The Jay Chiat Foundation, Inc
The Kahn Family Charitable Foundation
The Lotos Foundation
The McGraw-Hill Companies
The Segal Company
Time Warner
Truist Comprehensive
Turner Construction Co.
United Refining Company
Verizon Foundation, Inc.
Walentas Foundation
Wasserman Foundation
Wells Fargo
Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology Group, LLP